The Encino Recovery and Detox Center
To recognize the signs of alcohol addiction and when to seek treatment, it is crucial to understand how alcohol might affect you.
The side effects of Molly may be amplified when MDMA addiction is coupled with misuse of other substances, such as alcohol.
Individuals recovering from cocaine addiction, especially for the first few weeks, may do so safely with inpatient or outpatient services.
Are you ready to move through the symptoms of drug and alcohol detox with the help and movement therapy at The Encino Detox Center?
It’s important to take a multifaceted approach to healing from drug and alcohol addiction. Recover with the help of these experiential therapies.
We care about healing from the root cause. Here are ten calming yoga poses to help you relax during addiction recovery.
Seeing a loved one struggle with addiction is never easy. Intervention services offer professional support and guidance when help is necessary.
Detoxification is both an emotionally and physically difficult process. A professional detox program can help you navigate the challenge.
What makes a behavioral addiction so hard to treat is that these activities are often times considered acceptable in society. For example, the Internet is incredibly difficult to refrain from using because the Internet is inescapable in modern society.
Encino Detox Center provides an effective, safe and medically assisted treatment program for methamphetamine abuse. Our doctors and clinicians are trained and highly experienced with this drug of abuse and how to effectively help a person detox and recover.
An Intervention is the kindest and most loving gesture a family can make when someone they care about is struggling with mental health addiction and or addictive behaviors. At Encino Detox Center, our services will enable you or your loved one to end the cycle of addiction and put a stop to the madness, dishonesty, pain and suffering that everyone has endured.
There is a connection between past physical, sexual and psychological abuse and the development of addiction and addictive behaviors. In a study of 470 men and women, 81% of women and 69% of men who had a history of abuse and trauma were found to be 59-72% more likely to develop a dependence on alcohol, drugs and other addictive behaviors.
I have to tell you the truth. The truth is that I am f’d up. Really, “F’d” up. I heard that what comes out of our mouth in words is what we will do in action. The truth is that I am hurting horribly, and I do a lot of things to distract myself from the agony of it all. The heartbreak of what I have been through and the pain of what has happened and fear of what will happen.
Some people turn to drugs and alcohol in an attempt to resolve the pain from the past, which often times includes losses. Whatever the cause, New Road Center understands addiction and recovery and how to incorporate grief in the healing and recovery process.
Q: What addictions/injurious behaviors are most appropriate for an intervention?
For any issue affecting a family that has led to unwanted consequences and losses an intervention can be a valuable resource in the life of someone struggling with addiction and addictive behaviors. Issues responsive to intervention include alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling, sex addiction, and self-injury, eating disorders and Internet addiction.
Meditation calms the mind and can increase ones awareness through focused thought and observation. Meditation is especially helpful in the life of someone struggling with addiction as it helps to change old and often times negative patterns of thinking, ‘the fuel of self-destructive behaviors.’
Addiction is challenging and treatable: Treatment is not for the addiction but for the person experiencing addiction and addictive behaviors. Those struggling with addiction and addictive behaviors are receptive to effective treatment if certain criteria are met first. In treatment and counseling we look at motivation, available treatment options and any available support from family and friends.
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