Opioid Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Opioid Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Opioid addiction is a complicated drug addiction that commonly begins with prescription medication usage. It causes brain changes that lead to obsessive drug-seeking behavior, tolerance, and physical dependence.

Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) combining controlled medications, evidence-based behavioral therapies, community services for support, and a multidisciplinary healthcare approach are all components of comprehensive treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD).

Recognizing Opioid Dependency and Addiction

Drug addiction, especially opioid addiction, is a complicated substance use disorder characterized by compulsive drug use despite knowledge of its detrimental effects on one’s body and mind. It is not a moral failing or character weakness. Often, the descent into the depths of addiction starts innocently—possibly with the prescription of opioids for pain relief. 

Even brief exposure to opioids, though, can have physiological consequences including tolerance, which increases the likelihood of drug abuse and addiction. It can also result in physical dependency even in the absence of addiction.

The Science Underpinning the Conflict

The subtle brain changes that opioid addiction incites are the source of its pernicious grip. Endorphins are released when opioids bind to opioid receptors in the brain, which results in feelings of euphoria and pain alleviation. 

Long-term brain alterations brought on by chronic opioid use, especially in the orbitofrontal cortex, might heighten compulsive drug-seeking behavior and sensitize the drug-reward system.

Even when taken as directed, the euphoria that follows from using opioids may indicate a higher risk of developing an opioid addiction in the future.

Identifying Drug Dependency

Recognizing opioid dependence is a critical first step toward breaking free from the bonds of addiction. Indications like:

  • Alterations in sleeping patterns
  • Reduction in weight
  • Regular flu-like symptoms
  • Inadequate hygiene
  • Solitude
  • Financial challenges


Tolerance development is a classic indicator of drug dependence and may point to an ongoing battle with opioid use disorder. This is demonstrated by the fact that more opioids are needed to have the same impact, pointing to an increasing dependence on opioid use.

Alarming red signs include using more than what is prescribed, experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and continuing to use despite harmful effects.

The Range of Opioid Consumption

Opioid use is a broad term that includes occasional use, problematic overuse, and severe addiction. An opioid use disorder could show up as:

  • Physical dependence and withdrawal when the drug is not used
  • Unhealthy habits
  • An incapacity to regulate usage

Methods of Treating Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)

It can be intimidating to battle opioid addiction on your own. Fortunately, a phalanx of therapies is prepared, equipped with a holistic strategy to eradicate Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). For those suffering from addiction, medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), such as buprenorphine and methadone, along with behavioral treatment and counseling, can be a lifesaver.

A multidisciplinary team comprising doctors, nurses, and addiction specialists oversees this multifaceted approach.

Therapy with Medication Assistance (MAT)

Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) makes use of drugs that have been approved by the FDA and are subject to Drug Enforcement Administration regulations, including:

  • Buprenorphine, which lessens cravings and eases withdrawal symptoms
  • Methadone, which lessens cravings and is used for detoxification
  • Naltrexone, which prevents opioids’ pleasurable effects


Behavioral therapy and counseling are used in addition to these drugs. Particularly when implemented in hospitals following overdoses, MAT has been demonstrated to successfully lower the risk of opioid recurrence and enhance recovery outcomes.

It can be accessed via an online tool to locate treatment programs addressing addiction and opioid dependence as well as a database of medical professionals certified to treat opioid dependency with buprenorphine.

Behavioral Counseling and Therapies

Behavioral therapy and counseling address the psychological aspects of OUD, while drugs address its physical aspects. Several well-known evidence-based psychotherapy techniques for OUD consist of:

When it comes to treating the psychological components of OUD, these approaches work well.

They improve motivation to change drug-using behavior, assist patients in recognizing and managing indicators related to drug use, and provide rewards for sobriety when abstinence is proven.

Community Resources and Support Networks

The community’s support can be a beacon of hope during what is often a difficult and drawn-out healing process. Peer support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery, offer a basis for long-term recovery by means of exchanging experiences and offering assistance to one another.

“Sober living” or “half-way” houses are examples of therapeutic living settings that provide people in recovery with a controlled, encouraging atmosphere that promotes accountability and helps to prevent relapse.

Medical Treatments for the Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal

Although the idea of going cold turkey on opioids can be frightening, there are medicinal therapies that make it possible to overcome this challenge. Symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • Widespread discomfort
  • Chills
  • Cramps
  • Diarrheal
  • Dilated eyes
  • Agitation
  • Unease
  • Nausea
  • Throwing up
  • Sleeplessness

Hydration, vitamin supplements, and over-the-counter drugs are commonly used as symptomatic treatments for mild opioid withdrawal. Clonidine or opioid pharmaceuticals like buprenorphine, methadone, or codeine phosphate can be used to treat moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms.

Protocols for Detoxification

For many people, detoxification is the first step in recovery. Building trust between patients and treatment personnel is crucial for successful treatment adherence and ultimate recovery, and it can be achieved through compassionate withdrawal management. Detoxification is only the first step, though.

After finishing withdrawal management, it is usual for people to relapse; for this reason, detoxification is regarded as the first stage of long-term treatment, which also involves psychosocial therapy.

Taking Care of Acute Withdrawal

Managing acute withdrawal symptoms is a critical phase in the healing process. Signs and symptoms such as:

  • Perspiring
  • Chills
  • Unease
  • Anger
  • Muscular soreness
  • Sleeplessness
  • Cramps in the abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Throwing up

Management of Post-Acute Withdrawals

Taking care of post-acute withdrawal is an important part of the healing process. Individuals experience a prolonged period following acute opioid withdrawal, which can continue up to six months. This period is characterized by decreased wellbeing and strong cravings for opioids, which can result in relapse. One of the management options is to taper opioids under medical supervision in order to prevent or lessen withdrawal symptoms.

Metoclopramide, diazepam, clonidine, and other drugs can be used to treat the symptoms of chronic withdrawal, such as nausea, anxiety, sweating, and irritability, respectively. During the post-acute withdrawal phase, non-prescription pain medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can be useful in relieving joint pain, muscular soreness, and headaches.

Choosing Mental Health Services in the Event of Drug Abuse

An essential element of recovering from opioid addiction is mental wellness. For those with dual diagnoses, integrated treatment programs that address mental health issues and substance misuse concurrently are preferable. A range of mental health services are available to those who struggle with substance misuse, including:

  • Treatment
  • Counseling
  • Medicine administration
  • Possibilities for hospitalization

A National Helpline is provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to assist people in seeking information and referrals for the treatment of substance use disorders.

Co-Occurring Conditions

Many people who suffer from opioid use disorder also have co-occurring substance use disorders and mental diseases, including alcohol use disorder and methamphetamine use disorder. Significantly, 26.9% of OUD patients suffer from a severe mental illness, and 64.3% of them have experienced a mental illness in the previous year. However, the number of persons with OUD who also co-occur mental health disorders and receive treatment for both mental health and drug use disorders is rather low.

To enhance treatment results, there is a pressing need to increase access to comprehensive service delivery models that address the co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders in people with OUD.

Getting Mental Health Services

It is critical to obtain mental health services for people who are struggling with substance misuse. A National Helpline and a Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator are essential tools offered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to anyone seeking treatment for mental and/or substance use disorders. Crisis support is available around-the-clock through texting 988 and calling the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline for anybody in need, including those who struggle with substance misuse. 

Psychiatry’s Place in Addiction Medicine

A key role for psychiatry plays in the fight against opiate addiction. Psychiatrists provide thorough care that includes screening, diagnosis, and individualized therapy. They also enhance training in substance use disorders. They increase the availability of potent medication-assisted treatment alternatives including buprenorphine, naltrexone, and methadone.

In long-term addiction rehabilitation, psychiatrists offer a network of continuing care that helps patients stay sober, manages the risk of relapsing, and links them to other available resources.

Preventing Overdoses on Opioids: Preserving Lives

One crucial component of the fight against the opioid epidemic is the prevention of opioid overdoses. An opioid overdose can be rapidly reversed and normal breathing can be restored with the FDA-approved drug naloxone. Since bystanders can provide naloxone in opioid overdose prevention scenarios, it is important to note that over 80 percent of opioid overdose deaths take place outside of medical facilities.

The first things to do if someone appears to be overdosing on opioids are to tap, shout, or rub the breastbone in an attempt to get them to respond before giving them naloxone.

Understanding the Symptoms of an Overdose on Opioids

The capacity to recognize the warning signs of an opioid overdose is essential for prompt intervention. Extremely pale and clammy skin, a languid body, purple or blue lips or fingernails, gurgling or vomiting sounds, difficulty waking up or speaking, and slowed or stopped respiration or heartbeat are some of the symptoms. Other telltale signs of overmedication and overdose include speech impediment, extreme sleepiness, and dyspnea.

Teaching family members and caregivers to recognize these symptoms is crucial because it allows them to provide life-saving care until emergency medical assistance comes.

Giving Naloxone

Giving naloxone to someone who has overdosed on opioids could be a life-saving intervention. Naloxone can be delivered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, intranasally, or by inhalation. Narcan and yellow-cap nasal sprays, the Evzio auto-injector, and intramuscular needle syringes are among the delivery methods that are now available.

Prescriptions filled at approved pharmacies can enhance access to naloxone for those who are at risk of an opioid overdose as well as for those who are close to them. Teaching close relatives and acquaintances how to use naloxone is essential.

After-Overdose Treatment

Appropriate post-overdose care is crucial to ensure full recovery. Because stopping usage of opioids increases sensitivity to them, post-overdose care management is essential after an opioid overdose reversal.

Because their tolerance is reduced, patients who are more likely to overdose after withdrawal should receive counseling on the risks associated with using opioids in amounts prior to withdrawal.

Alternatives for Pain Management

Another important front in the fight against opioid addiction is the investigation of non-opioid pain treatment options. Alternatives to opioids for pain management include the following:

  • Physical intervention
  • The use of acupuncture
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Massage treatment
  • Cognitive behavioral intervention
  • Non-opioid pharmaceuticals
  • Medicinal weed

These substitutes are essential to avert the risks of opioid medications as well as the abuse and addiction linked to prescription opioids.

Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin are three non-opioid drugs that are often used and effective in treating severe pain. Technological interventions for persistent pain that lessen the requirement for opioid prescriptions include nerve blocks, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and radiofrequency ablation (TENS).

Alternative Pain Relief Methods

Non-opioid drugs and therapies are essential for treating pain. Anesthesiologists are qualified to create non-opioid pain management strategies by employing a range of non-opioid drugs and therapies.

Integrative Pain Management Techniques

Opioids have a promising substitute in integrative pain management techniques. Among the alternate methods for treating chronic pain are:

  • Physical intervention
  • The use of acupuncture
  • Surgical Procedures
  • Nerve blocks or injections

Radiofrequency ablation can provide patients with pain relief for up to a year by using radio waves to kill the pain-producing nerves.

In addition to providing short-term pain relief, nerve blocks, which entail injecting anesthetic to block pain signals, may also stop the long-term onset of chronic pain. Without the use of opioids, these methods can help patients control their pain and offer respite.

Spinal cord stimulation is a pain-relieving therapy that substitutes more tolerable sensations, such tingling, for painful ones. It has shown great promise in the treatment of neuropathy and back pain. Mind-body treatments, which include yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques, can be very helpful to people in controlling their pain, particularly while they are going through opioid withdrawal.

Teaching Patients and Medical Professionals

One powerful tool in the fight against opioid addiction is education. Conversations between doctors and patients on how addictive opioids are can result in actions that reduce the likelihood of opioid abuse, such as:

  • Lowering the likelihood that patients would stash medications for later use
  • Looking for different approaches to managing pain
  • Knowing the symptoms of opiate addiction and getting treatment as soon as possible
  • How to properly get rid of leftover opioids

Healthcare providers can provide educational information on reducing opioid dosages to help control and lessen withdrawal symptoms.

Appropriate education regarding the use of opioids, particularly after surgery, can enhance awareness and promote safer practices, which is why it is essential in reducing the excess supply of opioids that could be abused. When it comes to developing efficient, customized pain management programs and educating patients about non-opioid choices for pain treatment, anesthesiologists and other medical professionals play a crucial role.

Preventing Opioid Abuse in Family Environments

Families may inadvertently create a setting that encourages the abuse of opioids. Thus, it is essential to take precautions against such circumstances. To avoid easy access by others, families should be instructed to store opioids in a locked cabinet or lockbox. To keep an eye on the quantity of leftover opioid medication, it’s also critical to record the time and amount consumed.

Appropriate Storage Methods

Appropriate storage techniques are essential to reducing opioid abuse in the home. To avoid abuse and unintentional intake, especially by minors, adolescents, and other non-prescribed individuals, opioids should be kept in a place that is difficult for others to reach.

Opioids should be kept in their original packaging as opposed to being transferred to other containers or kept in common medication places like bathrooms or kitchens, as this will lessen the chance of misuse and help with correct identification.

Getting Rid of Unused Drugs

Proper disposal of leftover drugs is a crucial step in preventing opioid overuse. In order to reduce the possibility of medication diversion and accidental intake, which may result in overdose, it is imperative that unused opioids be disposed of properly. When appropriate, flushing procedures for getting rid of opioids should be followed to make sure the medications can’t be recovered by someone else.

When flushing is not advised, leftover opioids can be combined with something like coffee grounds, sealed in a container, and thrown out to avoid possible abuse.

Awareness and Education for Families

One effective way to prevent opioid consumption is by educating families about the disease’s symptoms and treatment options. Preventing opioid misuse requires open discussion within the family about how to use, store, and dispose of these medications.

Helping the family understand the value of speaking to those with opioid use disorders in a non-stigmatizing manner will improve their support.

It’s critical to inform family members about the emotional struggles that may arise in the setting of a loved one’s opioid addiction, including feelings of betrayal, dread, and guilt.

Families can better understand the complexity of opioid addiction by being aware of the genetic and environmental components of the condition. Building a supportive environment that supports treatment and recovery requires giving families tools and direction.

Relapse prevention and long-term rehabilitation

It is a lengthy road to long-term recovery from opioid addiction, requiring consistent work and attention to detail. Employment and vocational training are essential for long-term opioid addiction rehabilitation because they support sobriety maintenance and avert relapse.

Participating in constructive, life-changing activities like those offered by treatment facilities like Oxford House, which prioritize vocational education and training, is a sign of successful long-term recovery.

Constructing a Life Beyond Addiction

Making a living after addiction is a crucial step in the healing process. A vital yet underutilized element of addiction treatment programs are vocational assistance.

These services—direction, career assistance, skill development, and counseling—play a crucial role in providing people with the resources they need to successfully reintegrate back into the workforce. It has been demonstrated that combining therapeutic community treatments with vocational assistance leads to steady employment and lower relapse rates for those in recovery from drug dependence.

Recovery models that emphasize employment, like Oxford House, show how having a job on its own can help recovering people become more accountable and self-sufficient.

Maintaining recovery and averting opioid overdoses depend heavily on recovery support services, which include social support networks and culturally sensitive drug abuse treatment.

Identifying and Dealing with Triggers

An essential component of preventing relapses is identifying and controlling triggers. Witkiewitz and Marlatt’s dynamic model of relapse describes the proximal and distal elements that contribute to relapse. According to the relapse model, general vulnerability is influenced by stress, unpleasant emotions, and environmental signals.

The model states that addressing high-risk conditions for relapse depends critically on how well-coping practices work. Relapse prevention requires identifying personal high-risk drug use situations and creating useful coping mechanisms.

Continuity of Medical Attention

Sustaining continuity of care is crucial for long-term opioid addiction rehabilitation. Attending support group meetings and other forms of ongoing monitoring are essential for maintaining long-term recovery and avoiding relapse.

An ongoing care paradigm involving intensive initial treatment, extended care, and random drug testing that is utilized for doctors and pilots is demonstrating the potential for wider adoption.

Recovery Management Checkups, or RMCs, are a type of long-term follow-up therapy that helps individuals with substance use disorders go back into treatment as needed. For effective continuing care to support patient retention and positive long-term outcomes, it must be adaptable enough to address the changing requirements of persons in recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most typical justifications for prescribing opioids?

The most prevalent uses of prescription opioids are for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, as well as for ailments like cancer, recuperation from surgery, and end-of-life care. They have the potential to be abused and become addictive, even if they can be useful in treating pain.

What effects do opioids have over time on mental health?

Long-term opioid usage can worsen mental health conditions including anxiety and depression and raise pain sensitivity.

How are you going to track and manage patients who are addicted to opioids?

Patients battling opioid addiction can be monitored and treated with medication-assisted treatment, residential treatment programs, group therapy, and individual psychotherapy. These methods can lessen cravings, lessen withdrawal symptoms, and offer essential support for healing.

Which new opioid treatments are available?

The FDA has approved drugs includig buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone as new therapies for opioid use disorder because of their safety and efficacy when used in conjunction with support systems and therapy. For individuals who are battling opioid dependence, these solutions provide hope.

Our Facilities


The seclusion, outdoor spaces, therapy space and privacy truly give this treatment center a spa-like appeal with private bedrooms for all.


The Encino Recovery and Detox Center is an amazing treatment center which leaves little to nothing to be desired.

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