Detox Program in Los Angeles

Detox Program in Los Angeles


The Encino Recovery & Detox Center is one of the leading drug and alcohol detox programs in Los Angeles, CA, using evidence-based treatments to safely withdraw from drug and alcohol addiction.

What Is the Drug and Alcohol Detox Process in Los Angeles Like?

At The Encino we understand that the detox process is a biological, physiological, and psychological process that occurs when an individual stops drug or alcohol use. 

Detox from drugs and alcohol varies based on the needs of the individual. Our team of compassionate staff will typically follow three steps during the Encino detox process: 

  • Evaluation: A comprehensive assessment to understand your current and past physical and psychological history. The evaluation also involves testing for the presence of addictive substances. 
  • Stabilization: This step involves managing acute intoxication of alcohol or drug withdrawal in a safe and supervised in-patient detox setting. Medication Assisted Treatment or MAT may be used during this phase to alleviate physical withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Preparation for Long-Term Recovery: Your treatment team will help you develop a personalized care plan to support and encourage continued treatment for successful long term recovery outcomes.

What To Expect During Detox? 

Detox is the process of removing all drugs and alcohol from the body. It is usually the first step when entering a rehab program.

During detox, it is common to experience symptoms of drug withdrawal which can cause intense pain and discomfort. Some common symptoms of detox we see at The Encino include:

  • Sweating
  • Shaky Hands
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Shame
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Disorientation
  • Dissociation 
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations

How Long Does Detox Last?

The length of detox can look different for each individual. There are many factors that can affect the length of withdrawal including:

  • Substance of abuse
  • Duration of use
  • Route of administration (snorting, smoking, injecting, etc.)
  • The severity of the addiction
  • Family history of addiction
  • Level of willingness to change
  • Current level of family/social support
  • Presence of co-occurring medical or psychiatric conditions
  • Risk of developing severe withdrawal symptoms
  • History of previous relapses
  • History of previous withdrawals

Types of Detox Programs

The Encino provides in-patient and medically assisted detox to patients with drug and alcohol addiction. The Encino team includes board certified doctors and full-time nurses on staff to oversee and supervise a safe, in-patient detox process. 

Alcohol Detox

Alcohol detox is best managed under the supervision of a certified detox team. It is much safer and includes fewer medical emergencies. The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol detox can include:

  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • In severe cases death  

Drug Detox

Substance abuse leads to psychological and physical dependence on the drug used. Depending on the drug used, duration, route of administration and other factors, each individual will be treated differently. The withdrawal symptoms of substances could include:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting 
  • Insomnia
  • Intense cravings for the drug
  • Sweating
  • Depression
  • Intense fear, panic or anxiety
  • Seizures
  • In severe cases death

The detox process at The Encino understands the importance of both medical and psychological interventions for individuals recovering from substance use disorders.

Detox Symptoms Management

Detox Symptoms Management A person who has been drinking or using drugs heavily for a prolonged period of time, who suddenly stops or greatly reduces the amount of their intake, may experience intense pain and discomfort, for a short period, during this phase of treatment.

Some common symptoms of detox we see at The Encino Recovery and Detox Center include:

  • Sweating

  • Shaky Hands

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Shame

  • Depression

  • Vomiting

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Disorientation

  • Feeling Detached

  • Seizures

  • Hallucinations

What Happens After Detox?

After detoxing, our patients usually enter a residential treatment program. This is designed to treat people of all ages who are experiencing a wide range of mental health and substance use concerns. 

Our dedicated and trained staff are equipped to offer clinically excellent care and provide the support, guidance and interventions necessary for residents to reach their treatment goals.

 Our residential treatment program offers the following treatment modalities:

Medical Focus: The Encino Approach

We acknowledge the temporary relief addicted users may feel, but recognize its negative impact on healthy relationships, creativity, and overall wellness. Our detox program aims to provide medically supervised, empathetic and relationship-oriented support to individuals in treatment. The Encino strives to create lasting peace, health, and freedom for users recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

Our Facilities


The seclusion, outdoor spaces, therapy space and privacy truly give this treatment center a spa-like appeal with private bedrooms for all.


The Encino Recovery and Detox Center is an amazing treatment center which leaves little to nothing to be desired.

Our Recent Blogs

Delta-8 Withdrawal Symptoms and How to Cope With Them

Can You Die from Withdrawals? A Guide to Recovery

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