Intervention FAQ’s

Administrator / Chief Clinical Officer
Certified cognitive-behavioral therapist, expert addiction and chemical dependency counselor, certified for more than twenty years of experience in adolescent, adult and family psychotherapy.
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Q: What addictions/injurious behaviors are most appropriate for an intervention?

For any issue affecting a family that has led to unwanted consequences and losses an intervention can be a valuable resource in the life of someone struggling with addiction and addictive behaviors. Issues responsive to intervention include alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling, sex addiction, and self-injury, eating disorders and Internet addiction.

Normally, people think of substance abuse and alcoholism as being most relevant to intervention. In reality, any self-injurious behavior meets criteria for an intervention. The intervention team at is available to answer any questions about how and when to plan an intervention for your loved one.

Q: Why is an intervention important?

Interventions help to end the cycle of addiction in a family’s life. Interventions are important because they lovingly present options, support, reassurance and compassion at a critical time in the life of a family. When a family presents the truth about how a loved one’s behavior has compromised the health and wellness of a whole family, often times the result is change.


Q: What can my family expect to happen during an intervention?

You can expect a flood of emotions to wash over you in preparation of an intervention, during and after the intervention. A family will be guided by an intervention specialist through the journey and will not be left alone. Families often enter this process feeling scared, frustrated, sad, lonely and often times angry. The Intervention is not a place to blame or sit in the problem. You can expect that your efforts of love will result in change.

Q: What can my family expect in the long run from doing an intervention?

Your family can expect freedom. One way or another, you will stop your active participation in your loved one’s addiction. One way or another the family system will be strengthened and given an opportunity to heal. If you’re loved one does not enter treatment, you will have new tools to end your role in the addiction.

An intervention with New Road Center is a structured response to put an end to the pain of addiction. A “moment of pause” is what you can expect from an intervention. You can expect to be supported and guided every step of the way.

Q: What should my family think about when considering an intervention?

If my family does nothing or continues to do what is not working could something more destructive and dangerous occur?

 Is the family exhausted, scared and helpless?

Are you no longer willing to participate in your loved one’s addiction?


Q: What should be the objective of the intervention?

The primary objective is to end the suffering and isolation of the whole family.
It is a mistake to focus entirely on the addicted man or woman.  To focus and label them, as the “problem” is not as inclusive and helpful as when the focus is on everyone who is taking part in the intervention. If we look at addiction as a family issue, we find family solutions. If the focus is on the family there is generally a decrease in anger, defensiveness, resentment, blame, humiliation and shame. In our professional experience, all family members are seen as our client and our focus because all family members need guidance and support. Each family member will experience the intervention differently and have an opportunity to process what has happened and given time to develop a plan for safety, re-connection and a return to health and wellness.